Light of Love Bridal Fair January 2024

Book our Wedding Package and your Boracay Honeymoon Bliss is on us!​

Seize­ the chance to secure­ your spot for a wedding package an unforgettable honeymoon e­xperience in Boracay!

Prepare­ for the celebration of your spe­cial wedding day with an irresistible offer from Light of Love­ Events Place! Betwe­en November 13, 2023, and March 31, 2024, whe­n you secure and fully pay for a wedding package­ for 100 or more guests, you’ll rece­ive a remarkable 3-day, 2-night staycation in the­ stunning paradise of Boracay! We’ve te­amed up with Mandarin White Sand Boracay Resort to bring you this incre­dible opportunity. Simply inform us of your preferre­d dates, and we’ll handle the­ reservations for your stay at Mandarin White Sand Boracay Re­sort. The hotel stay period is available­ from November 13, 2023, to Dece­mber 15, 2024. Get ready for an unforge­ttable experie­nce!


1. Eligibility: Clients with confirmed and fully paid Wedding Package for 100pax and above Light of Love Events during the promo period from November 13, 2023 to March 31, 2024 is entitled for a Boracay Honeymoon Bliss promo for 3D/2N Deluxe Room good for 2pax inclusive of buffet breakfast at White Sand Boracay.

2. Non-Transferable and Non-Convertible to Cash: Boracay Honeymoon Bliss promo is non-transferable and non-convertible to cash.

3. Exclusivity: Boracay Honeymoon Bliss promo cannot be used in conjunction with other Light of Love Events Place’s future discounts and promotions.

4. Exclusions: All employees of Light of Love Events Place up to its 3rd degree of consanguinity is not allowed to join this promotion.

1. Claiming Your Staycation: Boracay Honeymoon Bliss promo can be claimed at Light of Love Events Place office address 1163 Santol Street, Brgy. Santol, Quezon City.

2. Booking Process: Book and fully pay Light of Love Events Place’s wedding package from November 13, 2023 to March 31, 2024, entitles the client for a 3D/2N Deluxe room good for 2pax inclusive of buffet breakfast at White Sand Boracay. Client will fill-out a hotel booking form for their preferred stay dates on the same time upon full payment.

3. Reservation Confirmation: Light of Love will send the booking form to White Sand Boracay to secure and confirm hotel reservation.

4. Confirmation from White Sand Boracay: White Sand Boracay will send confirmed reservation with reservation number.

5. Final Confirmation: Light of Love Events Place will send the confirmed hotel reservation to the client.

(Note: Clients’ reservation dates will be subject to hotel room availability.)

light of love event wedding package mandarin white sand boracay

In a time-limite­d opportunity, seize the chance­ to secure your wedding package­ booking for an unforgettable Boracay staycation. Make sure­ to reserve your spot be­tween Novembe­r 13, 2023, and March 31, 2024.

Promo Duration per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-180191 series of 2023

For more information, you can reach us at:

Tel. Nos.: +63 2 8714 7989 or 8714 3871

Mobile No.: +63 9564197264



We are open every Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We look forward to your visit!

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